Battery information and care

Freed Electric Scooters have been in the electric scooter business for three years now and when it comes to batteries we think we have seen and heard it all.

In our experience the generic brand batteries in most scooters will easily last for thousands of kms when treated well. Of course performance does begin to decline eventually. I think we all know, sometimes from bitter experience with the phone that it is easy to wreck a small battery. Your scooter battery works much the same way

The sweet spot for charge of an electric battery is between 20% and 80%. In an ideal world, you would keep your battery within this range, although to be practical we all fully charge the battery, and we have not noticed this shortens their life cycle significantly.

Freed Electric Scooters recommend charging when the battery display reaches two bars, or 40%, that way by the time you get home and plug it in it should still be at 20 or 30%. 

Also, battery care can affect range, and power, over time. We have read up on batteries  and learned some really cool stuff. Batteries have a finite life. Each charge/discharge cycle creates a tiny bit of ‘wear’ to the battery and this is why battery performance declines over time. There is currently a ton of research being done to prevent this wear from occurring and while several technologies look very promising none are quite ready for the mass market yet. Whilst it will not be long before batteries have much greater durability, right now, how you charge your battery can make a difference to its longevity.

Certainly you never want to run the battery fully flat (Yep- got that) so scooters have onboard electronics to prevent you doing this. If you are running out of juice, the scooter will limit the speed. Eventually it will actually switch off, before the battery is fully discharged, to protect it from damage.

Keep the battery away from extremes of temperature - batteries do not like over 30 degrees celcius so always leave it in the shade, especially in summer. And they do not like extreme cold either so if you live south of the Bombays you’ll want to keep it indoors. 

The big EV manufacturers like Tesla use thermal management systems to maintain the battery temperature within a certain range. In your scooter there is a similar, if less sophisticated feature. The battery management system will cause the scooter to cut off power if it gets too hot. This is a safety feature but also it protests the battery itself.



Don't be tempted to leave it on charge when not in use. It will not over charge but unplug it to reduce risk of fire.  If you do not use your scooter for long periods the battery health can rapidly decline as well. Oddly, while each charge does a tiny bit of damage, leaving them for a long time, especially once well used or if on a low charge can damage batteries as well. If you are storing your scooter, remove the battery so no trickle draw will discharge it over time. 

So the battery is definitely something that will wear out over time. Another reason to buy from a dealer that stocks parts and has a track record. A reputable supplier will give you a warranty as well. 6 months warranty is standard for scooter batteries. Although batteries generally last a long time, years even, the fact that charging and use habits can have such an effect means a battery is subject to significant wear and tear. If a new battery has not been stored properly, you can expect to be very aware of this within 6 months so this warranty length is a decent amount and should give you confidence.


At Freed we keep battery stocks low and rotate the stock when new product arrives. We date the batteries when they arrive and give them a top up if they are still on the shelf after 10 to 12 months. More than that is not necessary but we want to make sure your new battery will perform as a new battery should. So you can have confidence when you get a battery from us that it has been stored correctly.